Seva Member Welcome – OLD

Welcome to Seva Membership

Thank You

Thank you for choosing to support Chant Now and registering as a Seva Member of your Chant Now community. As a Seva Member you get full access to all of our courses and other services including personal coaching for your spiritual life. Below you’ll find suggestions on how to go further as a Seva Member

Suggested Next Steps

Complete the New Member Welcome Steps

If you are moving forward to SEva Membership, you have most likely already gone through our new member orientation. BUt if you decided to join as a SEva member from the beginning, then we encourage you to visit the New Members page here.

There you'll find guideelines for getting started with the Chant Now community and mantra meditation

Enroll in one or more courses

Top instructors from around the world teach millions of students on Udemy. We provide the tools and skills

Get together with your coach

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