Gaura Sadhak

As you progress in Bhakti Yoga you will come to a point where you are ready to fully dedicate yourself to the path of Krishna consciousness and the core sadhana (practices) recommended for all committed sadhakas.
- At least 8 rounds of japa mala every day (Preferably in the mornings).
- Santosa: no gambling
- Eating only food first offered to Krishna
- Observance of the ekadasi vow
- The Bhagavad Gita As It Is
- The Science of Self-Realization
- Nectar of Instruction
- Bhagavad Gita – Directed Reading
- Sadhana course
- Growing Bhakti Course
- Attend at least 4 Gaura Sevak meetings
- Enroll in a Gaura Sadhak Group
- Set up a home altar
- Learn how to perform a basic arati ritual and incorporate this into your daily practice
- Learn the prayers and songs used for offering food, and performing other rituals
- [All of this is taught in the Sadhana course]
- Increase volunteer service with guidance from your Bhakti Steps coach
3 Requirements
- Submit Introducing Yourself 1 time
- Complete the course Bhagavad-Gita: A Directed Reading Guide. 1 time
- Publish an activity post on Bhakti Steps - Nivel Uno group 1 time